Hi to everyone, Just a quick message to let you all know that our roads are now Open to dispatch our fantastic Free Range Wild Caught Queensland Gulf Mudcrabs. So please place your Orders out on our website and we will be happy to dispatch this for you.
Don't forget to place your Orders in time for Easter so that they also reach you in Regional Areas of our great country.
To our friends, family and business customers in the great south east of Queensland we are thinking of you at this time. Stay Safe and we hope all goes well with you all.
Cheers Mark & Jules
We have just recommenced our Crabbing Operations up here in Karumba in the Queensland Gulf Region where the Outback meets the Sea.
We are now ready to receive your Orders for our FREE RANGE WILD CAUGHT QUEENSLAND GULF LIVE MUDCRABS.
So please go to our website and place your Orders and we will assist you in receiving our fantastic Live Product all around Australia.
Here's to a fantastic Crab Season.
Cheers Mark & Julianne
What's the occasion? Will you need small, medium or large?
Check our guide below, and remember there's a minimum order of 6kg.
You are ordering wild caught Queensland Gulf mud crabs.
And to guarantee maximum freshness, they're delivered live.
They will be freighted to your nearest major airport. Refer to the list of airports serviced here.
Delivery is charged by the box, so refer to the buying guide in the right hand column >>>
per kilo
minimum order 6kg
per kilo
minimum order 6kg
To you our New Customers and our regular customers we are back in full swing with our crabbing and we are looking forward to supplying our Queensland Free Range Wild Caught Gulf Live Mudcrabs to you all around Australia. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
To our Western Australian Customers Old and New we welcome you all back as we can dispatch on Monday's for collection in Perth on Wednesday and dispatch on Wednesday for Friday mornings. So we look forward to hearing from you all again soon.
Cheers and stay safe
Mark & Julianne
Just a quick reminder to you our Customers, that for all Live Mudcrab Orders to go to REGIONAL Areas of Queensland and New South Wales, they along with Perth and Adelaide will be dispatched tomorrow MONDAY 25th March to reach your Destinations by Wednesday Morning.
No Airports will be OPEN for Freight over the Easter Break..
We thank you for your Orders of our Free Range Wild Caught Queensland Gulf Live Mudcrabs from us here at Mudcrabs Direct.
While mud crabs are bought by the kilo, delivery is charged by the box.
So here's a guide
to how many of
each size crab
are in a box.